Arete had an unprecedented year for 2022. 98% of Arete students were admitted into one of their top three choices!
The final list of colleges is as follows:
Our Undergraduate Candidates were admitted to:
American University, Amherst College, Babson College, Bard College, Barnard College, Bates College, Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis University, Brown University, Cal Tech, Carnegie Mellon, Chapman University, Claremont McKenna, Colby College, Colgate University, College of Charleston, College of William and Mary, Columbia College, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Davidson College, Dickinson College, Drexel University, Duke University, Elon University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, Georgia Tech, Harvard College, Harvey Mudd College, Haverford College, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana University Kelley, Johns Hopkins University, Kenyon College, MIT, McGill University, Middlebury College, New York University, Northeastern University, Northwestern University, Notre Dame University, Oberlin College, Occidental College, Penn State University, Pitzer College, Pomona College, Princeton University, Reed College, RPI, Rollins College, Smith College, Stanford University, SUNY Binghamton, SUNY Stony Brook, Swarthmore College, Syracuse University, Temple University, The American University of Paris, The American University of Rome, Trinity College, Trinity College Dublin, Tufts University, Tulane University, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC San Diego, UCLA, University of Chicago, University of Miami, University of Miami Rosenstiel, University of Michigan, University of Michigan Ross, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania Wharton, University of Richmond, University of St. Andrews, University of Vermont, University of Virginia, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, Vassar College, Villanova University, Wake Forest University, Washington University, Wellesley College, Wesleyan University, Williams College, Yale University
Our Law School Candidates were admitted to:
Boston College, Boston University, Cardoza, Columbia, Emory, Fordham, Georgetown, George Washington University, Harvard, Miami, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Minnesota New York University
Our Business School Candidates were admitted to:
University of California-Berkeley (Haas), Columbia, Chicago, Dartmouth (Tuck), Emory (Goizueta), Georgetown (McDonough), Harvard, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (Ross), MIT (Sloan), New York University (Stern), Northwestern (Kellogg), Notre Dame (Mendoza), Pennsylvania (Wharton), Stanford University, Vanderbilt (Owen), Virginia (Darden)
Arete’s admission rates are above par, yet we feel most accomplished from the positive feedback we receive from our students and their families.