Medical School

Our medical school counselors have personal experience and success with admissions to the top schools in the country; our clients […]

Our medical school counselors have personal experience and success with admissions to the top schools in the country; our clients in turn have attended Harvard, Johns Hopkins, University of Pennsylvania and Stanford.

Each client’s team of counselors and tutors help the applicant choose a strategic list of medical schools, tackle the challenging AMCAS application, improve MCAT scores, write brilliant personal statements, and choose the best academic and personal letters of recommendation.

Our clients have been accepted to Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, UC-San Francisco, University of Pennsylvania (Perelman), Washington University in St. Louis, Columbia, Duke, University of Washington, Yale, NYU, University of Chicago (Pritzker), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, UCLA, Vanderbilt, University of Pittsburgh, Northwestern University (Feinberg), Cornell University (Weill), Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. UC-San Diego, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Emory.

Your Arete medical school counselor will:

  • Find the schools that best fit your personal goals
  • Identify any prerequisite coursework needed
  • Devise the best strategy for the admissions process
  • Brainstorm, edit, and perfect all written application materials
  • Strategize how to get powerful letters of recommendation
  • Optimize your MCAT score
  • Prepare you for admissions interviews
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