

When you learn about something, treat you understand its nature. This leads to awareness and appreciation and these two things govern your actions toward it. The spotlight that you think is pointing at you, pharmacy becomes a magnifying glass that allows you to see things as they are, turning biases into understanding. If education makes you aware of things, it also makes you aware about yourself.

Our Story

We have a richly diverse student population. We offer rigorous academics that prepares students for the global marketplace. To really focus students on achieving mastery of their core curriculum, we separate each grade in a separate area for their core classes. For added safety, we require to have their student ID cards at all times.

Our teachers

Karla Bush Art Teacher

Art teachers help students develop their artistic skills by cultivating creative expression and fostering an understanding of textures, shapes and colors.

Clinton Farmer Math Teacher

Secondary school teachers teach one or more subjects within the school curriculum to secondary students. Subject areas include English, mathematics, science, history.

Scott Barker Art Teacher

Art teachers help students develop their artistic skills by cultivating creative expression and fostering an understanding of textures, shapes and colors.

Thomas Alexander Foreign Languages Teacher

Foreign language teachers are unique and dynamic. They do all the teachery stuff a normal teacher does (i.e., teaching), but with some added.

Lily Finch Health Teacher

Environmental health officers assess risk and develop, regulate, enforce and monitor laws and regulations governing public health for both the built and natural environment

Benjamin Bentley Math Teacher

Secondary school teachers teach one or more subjects within the school curriculum to secondary students. Subject areas include English.

Claire Barber Science Teacher

Science education is the field concerned with sharing science content and process with individuals not traditionally considered part of the scientific community.

Shirley King Physical Education Teacher

Physical education teacher instruct students in sports, recreational activities and healthy issues, in order to encourage and develop physical skills.

We are students of words: we are shut up in schools, and colleges, and recitation-rooms, for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a bag of wind, a memory of words, and do not know a thing.

Ralph Waldo Emerson




Our middle school arts worksheets are a great way for your artistically-inclined kid to pass the afternoon.It's important to supplement your child's education with additional fine arts-focused materials.

Foreign Languages

Foreign Languages

The department of Foreign Languages offers continuing education 17 languages. Our experienced instructors, many of them native speakers, emphasizes the living language in its cultural context.



Lessons and activities within each unit build sequentially to provide the reinforcement and continuity that will support children’s efforts to think, choose and act in healthy ways.



We have a variety of resources to help teach math on topics including: ratio and proportional relationships, expressions and equations, statistics and probability, geometry, functions and more.

Physical Education

Physical Education

Our lessons includes physical science, life science, earth and space science, or simply understanding science as a human endeavor. Education without values, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.



Our lessons includes physical science, life science, earth and space science, or simply understanding science as a human endeavor. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
